Boeing revolutionizes flight

Boeing and Airbus have taken different routes in terms of product strategy. Airbus thinks big is better, and came up with the gigantic A380 for super long haul flights. Boeing believes that the future of travel will be more ‘hub’ based. People will fly medium sized planes to the main airports, and from there they will get connections to the final destination. It’s early to predict which strategy will be the winner, but from a passenger’s point of view, I already have my favourite: the Boeing 787 Dreamliner.

Not only is this aircraft built with the latest technology, such composite materials to make it more lightweight and heads up displays in the cockpit (the same technology used in military fighters), but also it was built with the passenger in mind.

Simple concepts, such the experience passengers have when entering the aircraft were taken into consideration. Instead of entering through the galley and feeling a bit claustrophobic right from the beginning, passengers flying in the Dreamliner see an open, welcoming space once they step inside. It feels more like arriving in a nice restaurant rather than boarding an aircraft.

it feels like entering in a restaurant through the kitchen

Another good example of user centric innovation is the lighting: to help your body adjust to the new time zone, the lights simulate the sunset and sunrise. Small things that make a big difference!

It seems that for the majority of us, economy class travelers, things will get a bit better!